Je suis le maître du destin, et le capitaine de mon âme
Monday, November 28, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
who training '!?these things?!'

"!?this is?!" extremely sophisticated horrid intellectual psychology sociology, targets the naive and the impressionable
"?!they"?! are within the list unbeknownst to ya
"!?they?!" look for purpose purposely deliberately deliberate large gigantic enormous population populism to pimp out
ya might be friending befriending friends as followers who will
eventually take over your website social media website purpose deliberately to pimp out your website social media website
ya, it's fun to see a large gigantic list of people that are followers........
remember, always, "!?they?!" never ever look
they never ever look the part on deliberate purposely, thats "!?their?!" funniest, "!?they?!" harass harassment harassing
your followers and doing all kinds of foul interactions transactions
and ya starts to see certain things changing for the worst, horrible horrorly so...and ya starts to wonder wtf is this?
twitter is the one social media site ya can't hide "!?those things"?! and ya be blocking that s##t all day long.
for examples: its like when ya go to the club with supposedly ya friend friends while ya on the dance floor, '!?it?!' has taken your purse to the lady's room to place something filthy foul in your purse unbeknownst to ya and unbeknownst ThaT '!?its?!' deceptive towards ya.........2nd example: ya friends friend and ya set a time to meet up for to go to a movie, ya friends said 5:30pm ...ya show up exactly at 5:30pm... no-one is there; 5:45pm ya call, your friend answers and ya ask is everything ok? with sincerity, did ya cancel? with naivete naively well ya friend responds, with laughter in '!?its?!' voice...why?...ya tell "!?it?!" that ya been waiting since 5:30pm, actually 5:25pm...'!?it?!' responsed in a confused victimization tone of voice says, no no ThaT '!?it?!' said 4:30pm, (no the bxxxh said 5:30pm...ya need to thank GOD ya survive "!?these deceptive friending friendship friend profiles harassement stalking...trying to play ya deaf and dumb...
(to who whom it may concern: FYI just for your information, deaf persons person people human beings human being are not dumb and also dumb people person person human being human beings are not deaf, they just have not been given the freedom to explore their own possibilites...but this i know beyond a the shadow of a doubt hate is not dumb nor deaf)...
you need to know that hate is very, oddly so, intelligent...i met a person from europe and said to me that america has so many tiny laws...i said yes it has, because of those who refuse, don't give a f$$$ about treating people with freedom and opportunites with decency and respect...for to bask in hate's present for any dominon of a second is too long...i am not advocating volience...but i am advocating knowledge, because knowledge is power.

Saturday, November 26, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
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