that's not their sad ask ๐ story, 'they?!' stole steal
took someone's sad ask story ๐ to play
people stupid ๐๐ and to make funny
๐๐๐ mockery
of someone's humble beginnings
sad ask ๐ story.
that's the equation,
'they?!' criticize to steal, and
than 'they?!' steal to
make mockery ๐๐๐ funny, and
than they destroy the story by
throwing it(sad ask story)
in the trash
the equation is: (wolves in sheeps' clothing), it's a given social community that's create$ the chao$ and than wind quota$ need$ to be met/made ?!di$trepect!? ๐ฆ๐ท๐ต๐๐๐๐๐บ๐น๐ตknow$ where to reap "it'$" harve$t of the innocent๐๐ญ๐ผ๐๐ฑ๐๐๐⚽️๐๐ธ⛸... this is one of the olde$t profe$$ion of america, for 300 years or more, except now/today "it$" ha$ changed. "It$" ha$ gotten more intellectual; sophisticated: "they're" f$$king now, (whomever) and than harveSt the innocent/nieve. why??????? to cover-up "their" freakie$t appetizer/appetite$......."thi$" ha$ been already discu$$ed long long long long ago, decade$, centurie$ back.... that, "that" need$ to $tay in "their" (whomever) backyard and stop coming down ('they' live on a hill: Humpty Dumpty doe$) into the poor section feeding off the innocent...either no one has listen to what was said long ago, or just don't give a f$$k about it.
FAMINE: a dra$tic & wide $pread/reaching $hortage$ de food; $tarve: to die ou cause 2die de extreme hunger
who$e, what, who, whom i$ teaching/training how to work$hip thing$ to the point of denying one$ $elf worth...who is doing thi$?
every 1 s/b brilliant & also ๐ have a music box, this is america. if u want a music box u should have a le/la to have a music box. Oh I have a headache, doo u have anything? How convenient.wood chew?, no butt wood chew?
Oh they are so special, highly influential.
ye$, umbrella? oh i$ it going to rain? No I ju$t dont want to get toa$ted,
elles ju$t laughing, ju$t laughing ab$olutely in hy$teric$, he say $omething brilliant i guess that made their day, elle$ have something to go home & f$$k for. definitely heard le NE-ROD
say that yep yep with la 3 PhD$/ma$ter degree$ hog$ $itting with him at the table having drink$.
theres no cure ( just move on...rack-'it'-up as a learning experience...of course the fang$ will come out, but that going to happen anyway$...better now than later, on your dime, not 'their$' (a hidden agenda di$covered)).
humanities was not created base on perfectionism,
the living is/are created base on soul, body, & spirit.
the status quo!?church!? is trying to create a perfect race of people this is when/wind armageddon will begin...:
kindness will disappear, also love will not be needed, circumstances, consequences will disappear (actually this is taking place right now), as well as, hope and faith,
stupid dough....--the only reason that kindness & generosity, love (human at best) existed is because of diversities, the curiosities, & many amongst many other factors & all things has this equation
unpredictable occurrences; situations happens in a family, in a relationship: unique problems/difficuties, successes, events, emotions, styles, behaviors, inspirations, opportunities, habits, sizes; shapes (not just gender you freaking $tupid bitche$)...(1000+ differents kinds each) its not narrowed down to a tv show...
you dont know how to be patient with someone to gain their self-worth? than you freaky dont know love, even from a human being perspectives & thats really, really fucked-up "you" are teaching/training a hateful & an ungrateful life $tyle "you" are numb & "you" are di$gu$ting (master$?, jd$?, phd$?, i$ that a $tolen college/univer$ity degree$???) biological mother (& "it$" fucked-up family) $aid to me when i was a little girl..."he(daddy) is out there in the truck, go out there & talk to him"...had i known daddy could not come into his own home (mortgage payments...he did not rent that duplex, lying bitch) i would not had gotten out of that truck...little black girl, i was, not understanding now lame-$hit-f$$k people do to le/la innocent.
(p.s. really sick i just was a little black girl and 'it$' was treating daddy and me like some john and prostitute, (coming of age realization) 'it$' did that type of talking a lot)
in le 1940s, i don't know specifically when, somewheres in europe extremely serious academia discipline, such as degrees in: science, physics, literature literary arts, mathematics were stolen for status/identity and/ or sold$$ well as, birth certificates, marriage licenses, (really odd) dead certificates, passports, driver's licenses, diplomas,
that's practice here in the united states of america-2016, which is practicing anti-democracy and anti-american, hatred..'these things?! are not american, are not human. this is true real 'these things?! be eve in something else: horror.
i am sorry i forgot, also family lineages/tree histories , and individuals' employment histories was also stolen/sold. land deeds, business buildings deeds, home/house deeds, and credit histories stolen and sold in europe sometime in the 1940s.
ain't got anything to do with who that was & where it was in europe in the 1940s, 'these things?!' don't's practices & believed here in the u.s.a.
one just one: can be/become wealthy/rich/prosperous/'on a list'(?), can dance, can sing a song, can write a song
if these 'lame f$$s' realizes or however '!?these things?!' use thinking, that theres are more than one being.
just one can be blogger, play or watch baseball; basketball, hockey;golf; football, etc,
just one can have their own business/entrepreneur,
just one being can speak/write/understand more than 3 language, can be/become an accountant/jurdis JD/teacher/receive a diploma, can have a job, etc.,
that way of thinking is not democracy, is not America: "this thing?!" only one person; village mentality.
if more than one person starts, thats many many diversity reigns in being be becoming prosperous, successful, obtaining diplomas/college degree...
!?they?! will start brainwashing/propagandizing.
and, self-employed busineses/entrepreneurs, these !?things?! (phd$/master degree$) will send fanatic$/agitator$ to halt success.
this is taught trained: conclusively exclusively inclusively ... all leads to the same insidiously foul pond of hate
I think it was back in the 1950s/1960s it was called the village syndrome '(?), whereas there's only allowed one, just one to can get/obtain: wear pretty shoes, a car, a house, a family, education, pretty hair styles, college degree, handsomely suit, read and write. if this was in a more modern society (20th + centuries) it wood look like 'self sabotage', 'bite the hand that feed you', savagery/self adsorb/vainty/tyrant/tranney: 'can't stand/tolerant anything beautiful uniquely', 'uniquely neat, uniquely pretty it wood be destroyed,or stolen to be destroyed'.
have no no none idea on how to celebrate diversity...celebrate?...... it is just beleafn
since march 2012 to today, oct sun 30th, the day of our LORD 2016...the only places that je gone is to the store & to the library'!?ne-rod?!' has mol doing everything but that.
'!?ne-rod'?! and '!?it's?!' '?!hog$?!'ust love to accuses the innocent that's how '!?they'?! f$$k
(remember '!?they?!' don't look the '!?part?!')

who$e, what, who, whom i$ teaching/training how to work$hip thing$ to the point of denying one$ $elf worth...who is doing thi$?
every 1 s/b brilliant & also ๐ have a music box, this is america. if u want a music box u should have a le/la to have a music box. Oh I have a headache, doo u have anything? How convenient.wood chew?, no butt wood chew?
Oh they are so special, highly influential.
ye$, umbrella? oh i$ it going to rain? No I ju$t dont want to get toa$ted,
elles ju$t laughing, ju$t laughing ab$olutely in hy$teric$, he say $omething brilliant i guess that made their day, elle$ have something to go home & f$$k for. definitely heard le NE-ROD
say that yep yep with la 3 PhD$/ma$ter degree$ hog$ $itting with him at the table having drink$.
theres no cure ( just move on...rack-'it'-up as a learning experience...of course the fang$ will come out, but that going to happen anyway$...better now than later, on your dime, not 'their$' (a hidden agenda di$covered)).
humanities was not created base on perfectionism,
the living is/are created base on soul, body, & spirit.
the status quo!?church!? is trying to create a perfect race of people this is when/wind armageddon will begin...:
kindness will disappear, also love will not be needed, circumstances, consequences will disappear (actually this is taking place right now), as well as, hope and faith,
stupid dough....--the only reason that kindness & generosity, love (human at best) existed is because of diversities, the curiosities, & many amongst many other factors & all things has this equation
unpredictable occurrences; situations happens in a family, in a relationship: unique problems/difficuties, successes, events, emotions, styles, behaviors, inspirations, opportunities, habits, sizes; shapes (not just gender you freaking $tupid bitche$)...(1000+ differents kinds each) its not narrowed down to a tv show...
you dont know how to be patient with someone to gain their self-worth? than you freaky dont know love, even from a human being perspectives & thats really, really fucked-up "you" are teaching/training a hateful & an ungrateful life $tyle "you" are numb & "you" are di$gu$ting (master$?, jd$?, phd$?, i$ that a $tolen college/univer$ity degree$???) biological mother (& "it$" fucked-up family) $aid to me when i was a little girl..."he(daddy) is out there in the truck, go out there & talk to him"...had i known daddy could not come into his own home (mortgage payments...he did not rent that duplex, lying bitch) i would not had gotten out of that truck...little black girl, i was, not understanding now lame-$hit-f$$k people do to le/la innocent.
(p.s. really sick i just was a little black girl and 'it$' was treating daddy and me like some john and prostitute, (coming of age realization) 'it$' did that type of talking a lot)
in le 1940s, i don't know specifically when, somewheres in europe extremely serious academia discipline, such as degrees in: science, physics, literature literary arts, mathematics were stolen for status/identity and/ or sold$$ well as, birth certificates, marriage licenses, (really odd) dead certificates, passports, driver's licenses, diplomas,
that's practice here in the united states of america-2016, which is practicing anti-democracy and anti-american, hatred..'these things?! are not american, are not human. this is true real 'these things?! be eve in something else: horror.
i am sorry i forgot, also family lineages/tree histories , and individuals' employment histories was also stolen/sold. land deeds, business buildings deeds, home/house deeds, and credit histories stolen and sold in europe sometime in the 1940s.
ain't got anything to do with who that was & where it was in europe in the 1940s, 'these things?!' don't's practices & believed here in the u.s.a.
one just one: can be/become wealthy/rich/prosperous/'on a list'(?), can dance, can sing a song, can write a song
if these 'lame f$$s' realizes or however '!?these things?!' use thinking, that theres are more than one being.
just one can be blogger, play or watch baseball; basketball, hockey;golf; football, etc,
just one can have their own business/entrepreneur,
just one being can speak/write/understand more than 3 language, can be/become an accountant/jurdis JD/teacher/receive a diploma, can have a job, etc.,
that way of thinking is not democracy, is not America: "this thing?!" only one person; village mentality.
if more than one person starts, thats many many diversity reigns in being be becoming prosperous, successful, obtaining diplomas/college degree...
!?they?! will start brainwashing/propagandizing.
and, self-employed busineses/entrepreneurs, these !?things?! (phd$/master degree$) will send fanatic$/agitator$ to halt success.
this is taught trained: conclusively exclusively inclusively ... all leads to the same insidiously foul pond of hate
I think it was back in the 1950s/1960s it was called the village syndrome '(?), whereas there's only allowed one, just one to can get/obtain: wear pretty shoes, a car, a house, a family, education, pretty hair styles, college degree, handsomely suit, read and write. if this was in a more modern society (20th + centuries) it wood look like 'self sabotage', 'bite the hand that feed you', savagery/self adsorb/vainty/tyrant/tranney: 'can't stand/tolerant anything beautiful uniquely', 'uniquely neat, uniquely pretty it wood be destroyed,or stolen to be destroyed'.
have no no none idea on how to celebrate diversity...celebrate?...... it is just beleafn

since march 2012 to today, oct sun 30th, the day of our LORD 2016...the only places that je gone is to the store & to the library'!?ne-rod?!' has mol doing everything but that.
'!?ne-rod'?! and '!?it's?!' '?!hog$?!'ust love to accuses the innocent that's how '!?they'?! f$$k
(remember '!?they?!' don't look the '!?part?!')