Oh, it’s just the little homely things,
The unobtrusive, friendly things,
The “Won’t-you-let-me-help-you” things
That make our pathway light.
The “laugh-with-me-it’s-funny” things
Et it’s the jolly, joking things,
The “Never-mine-the-trouble” things,
That make the world seem bright.
For all the countless famous things
The wondrous record-breaking things,
These “never-can’be-equaled” things
That all the papers cite.
Are not the little human things,
The “everyday encountered” things,
The “just-because-je-like-tu” things,
That make us happy quite.
So here’s to all the little things,
The “done-et-then-forgotten” things,
Those “oh-it’s-simply-nothing” things
That make life worth the fight.